Research-Based Approach

Live Big programs weave together methodologies rooted in nervous system regulation, somatics (mind-body connection), internal parts work, various psychotherapy modalities, behavior change, and mindfulness.

All Live Big programs enable students to create skills that are centered around our three growth pillars:


All development begins with the ability to observe the Self. To connect with their Body, Mind, and Character, students must first notice and appreciate their Self’s existence.


A strengthened sense of Self (knowing who you are and your value in this world) helps students make choices that serve them and navigate and respond to challenges.


The ability to self-regulate allows students to process and respond to what’s happening in their life in a way that supports rather than overwhelms them.

The Heart Guide

Our Philosophy — Connect. Create. Be. — is brought to life with The Heart Guide, a tool designed to empower students throughout their growth journeys.


Students are empowered to connect with their Mind, Body & Character


Students learn how to build Confidence, Resilience & Self-Leadership skills


Filled with unlimited possibilities and choice, students show up in the world as PowerFULL